Notice of company name change


We would like to inform you that from April 1, 2021, the legal form and name of Konica Minolta IT Solutions Czech will come to effect.

New name: Konica Minolta IT Solutions Czech s.r.o.

Same address: U Plynárny 1002/97, Prague 10

Same IN  25820826, VAT number CZ25820826

The change of the company’s business name has no impact on the rights and obligations that our company has towards its business partners, nor on their rights and obligations towards our company. Nothing will change with regard to already concluded contracts.

However, all new business correspondence, orders, invoices, the conclusion of new contracts or changes to existing contracts, as well as all other negotiations between our company and our business partners must be carried out under the new business name from the April 1, 2021.

Therefore, we would like to ask you to use the new trade name Konica Minolta IT Solutions Czech s.r.o. when communicating with our company from the April 1, 2021.

Here you can find a digitally signed Notice of company name change.


