“We must be able to react to our customer’s expectations faster than in the past. And for us, the Automotive CRM module is a suitable tool that helps us communicate with our customers better and more precisely than ever before.”

Petr Bauš, General Manager at Invelt


Taking customer relationships into the digital age

InveltInvelt is one of the largest car dealership operating in the Czech Republic. For them, as for any organization in car sales, one element is more important than anything else for their success: the relationship to the customers. This is the core of their business. Hence, improving the interaction processes and finding new digital ways in which technology can support this development were high on Inveltorganisational agenda. Especially in times when paradigms are changing so fundamentally in the automotive industry, sound and reliable customer relationships are highly valuable good for dealerships. Therefore, the company set itself the goal of becoming a leader in digital transformation as they saw a potential for improvement in their business within this field early on.

Customers today favour modern ways of communication, start to choose vehicles differently and use the internet for a wide range of purposes, be it concluding contracts or transferring money. Invelt “We were thinking of a way how to achieve this and we concluded that we need some kind of system to help us know our customers. That system is Automotive CRM,” explains Petr Bauš, General Manager at Invelt.


Finding the CRM solution that fits the organisation and its customers’ needs

In the same way that customers are changing, CRM systems need and will evolve, as new requirements and data have to be recorded, stored and acted upon. For this, strong partners are necessary. They can support by implementing a system that opens up new opportunities, provides new important information, and helps to evaluate them. Digital solutions for customer relationship management are becoming ever more important for car dealerships. At the same time, an increasing number of functionalities need to be integrated according to the specific needs of the customer. Konica Minolta’s customer-centric business approach, especially in the field of IT services and solutions, makes the ideal approach to tackle projects like Automotive CRM.


Powerful yet invisible for the customer and invaluable for the organisation

With Konica Minolta, Inveltalready had a strong, long-lasting relationship. As such, both companies already knew that they think similarly and that they have a matching vision for the Automotive CRM project. They wanted to place the end customers and their needs in the centre of the project and implemented the new system accordingly. Konica Minolta’s continued support for the customer throughout the complete implementation phase and beyond was what really set apart the project for Invelt. In addition to the online training sessions, which were part of the standard program, the dedicated on-site support of experts from Konica Minolta IT Solutions Czech was greatly appreciated. In fact, this was the main factor why the implementation went so smoothly. The team spent several days at the customer facility and provided all users, who work with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 based system, with support and consulting during the changeover. As such, any issues that came up, initial questions or the users’ initial setbacks involving their work with the CRM were directly resolved. This procedure also enabled Invelt to collect positive ideas, initiatives, and feedback which was directly built on during further development. Despite the extent and the large size of the project, this approach led to a perfect outcome for all stakeholders of the project.


“We have a lot of information about the client, but the client does not feel encumbered by the process. The customers have not registered that we are using a new system.”

explains Petr Bauš at Invelt


Building lasting relationships, not one-time solutions

One key reason for the success of the collaboration between Inveltand Konica Minolta was the very unique approach when it comes to solutions like Automotive CRM. The development of the solution is done by Konica Minolta professionals who are highly experienced with data management while exactly taking processes and internal requirements within the organisation into account. The customers are given the chance to become a so-called co-author of the solution. This is highly beneficial for them, as they are able to implement a CRM solution, which is based on their actual everyday practice and their exact company environment and processes. In the particular case of Invelt, Konica Minolta developed the Automotive CRM solution together with them to create a dedicated solution which fits the needs of this industry perfectly. Together with Konica Minolta, the next steps for further functionalities for the CRM tool are already planned for implementation: dedicated integration of data into the marketing process to steer customer activities better and a reporting tool for management evaluation.


  • Bringing the company closer to the customers in the digital era
  • Linking customer information effectively with data-driven marketing and sales
  • Introducing digital mindset into sales domain
  • Intercepting customer journeys leading to a vehicle purchase, that span across multiple communication channels 
  • Customers’ expectations of consistent premium care


  • 360° view of customers brings all important data on one screen
  • Marketing and sales data are aligned in building one process flow
  • The solution can be run on different devices with always-on data protection
  • Multichannel communication from all the processes collected into one hub
  • Out-of-box solution drives proactivity by notifications and activity reporting


  • Overview of customers’ needs and how the sales professionals address them
  • Multi-brand solution with broad range of functionalities for each role
  • Comprehensive solution to manage vehicles, contacts, leads and sales process connected with powerful marketing module
  • Advanced and flexible reporting capabilities providing rich set of dashboards and reports
  • Responsive user experience – works on any device or screen size
  • Deep integration with Microsoft Office 365
  • Runs on always up-to-date Microsoft platform
  • Integration to Dealer Management System and other backend systems
  • Customizable and scalable solution adapted to Invelt’s specific needs